About Our School

One Bright Ray Community High School (OBRCHS) is a project of One Bright Ray, Inc. (OBR)

We are a diploma granting accelerated high school program with a rich history and strong track record of success. We serve students from the city of Philadelphia who are over aged and under credited. Our students must be between 16 and 21 years of age and at least 1 ½ years behind in credits.

The school operates on an 11-month calendar year with a 13-week module system that allows our students to earn credits and progress towards their high school diploma. We are a project based learning school with individualized instruction which allows for additional learning time.

We support our students by creating a safe learning environment for achievement. We hold parents, students, faculty and staff accountable for their actions. We emotionally and financially support our students with social workers, a school counselor, security team and daycare services. We support our students by adding additional teachers in the classroom, after school tutoring, summer programs, internships, and exposure to culture and arts. We provide hope, hold our students to higher levels of expectations than ever before and encourage our students to achieve.

Accelerated Learning

One Bright Ray CHS is an accelerated high school. Students can complete the program in two years or less, depending on the number of credits they have upon entering the program. There are three modules in the traditional school year (September – June) and students can earn up to 5.5 credits per module. Students may also participate in the optional credit recovery summer session each year they are enrolled and may earn up to an additional 1.0 credit. Students may express interest in participating in the Summer Session, however, eligibility is determined based on credit recovery course eligibility and academic progress made during the school year. Summer session also includes internship opportunities including Work Ready programs where students can also earn a salary while working with their assigned community-based program and summer workshops to further hone academic and professional skills.

Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning is based on the idea that people learn best when they are active participants in the learning process. Students take ownership of their own learning as they engage in a real life application of skills to answer a driving question and complete a final product designed to meet the needs of an outside audience. Project Based Learning allows students to connect with the content and to see the value of their education. This also allows students to develop project based skills required for future success in the 21st century.

Support Services

We believe that attention to the whole student is necessary and that the emotional well-being of a student is a factor that is directly related to their academic success. In-house social workers, school counselors, nurses, deans, and daycare facilities support our schools. They are highly structured and we believe that attention to the small details is key to the success of our students. Each school partners with community-based organizations to ensure support services are being provided at the school for all students.

Restorative Practice

The fundamental premise of restorative practices is that people are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes when those in authority do things with them, rather than do them or for them. Restorative practices helps teachers and administrators develop positive relationships with students and parents to improve the overall climate and culture of the school setting.

Upcoming Events

  1. Closed – Presidents Day

    February 17
  2. Zero Day

    February 18
  3. Module 2 Make-Up Day

    February 19 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
  4. Module Break – No School

    February 20 - February 21
  5. Start of Module 3

    February 24

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