Board of Directors

Meet Our Board:

Members of the Board of Directors act on behalf of One Bright Ray’s constituents. The basic responsibilities of the Board include, but are not limited to:

Determining the organization’s mission and purpose.

Assisting in the development of the organization’s annual budget and ensuring that proper financial controls are in place.

Defining prerequisites for potential new board members, orienting new members, and periodically evaluating performance.

Securing adequate financial resources for the organization to fulfill its mission.

Ensuring effective organizational planning.

Supporting and evaluating the CEO with the goals of the organization in mind.

Determining which of the organization’s programs are consistent with its mission and monitoring the effectiveness of these programs.

Adhering to legal and ethical standards and norms.

Our Board Members:

Joseph H. Proietta, EDM
President & Founder
Community Academy of Philadelphia, CS

Alberta P. O’Brien, EdD
Vice President
Chief Executive Officer
Community Academy of Philadelphia, CS

Erica De Jesus, BS
Board Member
Alumni Representative

Cassandra McLaughlin, MS
Board Member
Special Education Supervisor
Community Academy of Philadelphia, CS

Joycet Velasquez, MEd
Board Member
Retired Chief Academic Officer
One Bright Ray, Inc.

Ludmiladia Gomez, BA
Board Member
Community Member Representative

For more details regarding the Board of Directors, please review our Bylaws here.


Meeting Schedule and Minutes:

2023-2024 ASY:

All Board Meetings are held in the Board Room at Community Academy of Philadelphia (CAP) unless otherwise noted.

Community Academy of Philadelphia
1100 East Erie Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19124


Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Time: 3:00pm
Meeting Documents: 09-20-2023
Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time: 3:00pm
Meeting Documents: 12-06-2023
Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Time: 3:00pm
Meeting Documents: 02-21-2024
Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Time: 3:00pm
Meeting Documents: 04-17-2024
Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Time: 3:00pm
Meeting Documents: 05-29-2024
Zoom (Virtual Meeting)

Contact the Board:

Want to address the Board?
Anyone wishing to address the board may do so for 5 minutes. However, an appointment must be made three business days prior to scheduled meeting. Please contact Mrs. Christina Sarr at to be placed on the schedule.

How to contact Board Members:
Members do not keep regular office hours, but are accessible and can be contacted via e-mail, phone, or regular letter. If you choose to call, feel free to leave a message for a specific board member OR request for Mrs. Christina Sarr to contact a board member on your behalf.

Phone: 215-744-6700
Fax: 215-543-5944

When leaving a voice message or sending a fax, please clearly indicate a board member’s name OR that you want the fax to be distributed to all board members. If you wish to email a board member directly, please reference their contact information above.


Minutes by Academic School Year:

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